Sarah's Books

Natural born medium, Sarah Christine Lalonde is able to connect with the other side and bring people closer to their loved ones. Sarah brings us her story of growing up with spirits and how we too can connect with our loved ones who have passed on.
Learn more about how to safely connect with your own spirit or animal guide, understand the empathic child, and learn about energy healing through channeled information.
'Living With Spirits-My Life As a Spiritual Medium' is a reminder of the spirituality all around us and how much we are loved and protected by the other side.
Available on Amazon for e-readers and for paperback.
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Sarah wrote this fictious novel, about psychic ability, magic, and fantasy.
Bastet was once a powerful immortal living in Ancient Egypt. When a curse made her go from shape-shifting immortal to vulnerable human, she took a job at a psychic shop to find out where the key to her freedom could be. When Bast discovers the fate of her colony and powers could be in the hands of a child she does everything in her power to protect her.
Available on Amazon in E book format or paperback